Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Agent Interview

I'm approaching my agent search much like I'd search for a doctor. It's as much an interview for them as it is for me. I wouldn't open the phone book and just grab just any doctor. Maybe in the old days, but not now. There is just too much information available to help me make a decision. The same goes for agents. There are tons of websites you can use to start your search.

Here's a list of Suggested Questions I found on Novelists Inc.. You can bet I will be asking these questions when the time comes. I think it will make my life and my future agent's life a lot easier.

What do you look for in an agent?


zeldadg said...

Pulse and respirations? Kidding. My main character doesn't even have that.

I'd want someone who loved my writing. I know some people could sell used plastic wrap if they wanted, but it has to be better if the agent is passionate about your book.

Tricia Sanders said...

Yeah, I know. I'll probably keel over dead the first time I get a live one.